Dear Friends,
This week was a short week due to NDP and no program was down. However our staff continued our self filming for Virtual Waterway Watch Explorer at Kallang River.
On Wednesday, 3 members did boat patrol at Punggol, two boats were used (see photos). The water was clean, no litter picked up. On Saturday morning, 6 members and 1 new member did bike patrols in two groups (see photos). Group 1 headed towards Garden by the Bay. Near the Flyer, some bottles and cans scattered around the area; and due to the rain the day before, lots of litter was floating in the water (see photos). Group 1 crossed the Marina Barrage to the Bay East Garden and found lots of litter under Benjamin Sheares Bridge, mostly plastics (see photos). A few plastic bags and a bag of beer cans were thrown at the Tanjong Rhu Lookout Tower (see photos). While Group 2 patrolled along Kallang River. They spotted one crab trap tied to PUB electrical conduit across Pelton Canal, opposite upper Boon Keng Blk 15 (see photos). There were also lots of plastic bottles and beer cans thrown along the river banks in front of Blk 39 Upper Boon Keng Rd (see photos). Two groups picked up 7 kg of litter and 8 pieces of masks in total.
On Saturday afternoon, 4 members did a boat patrol, 5 members did bike patrol, and another 2 members did bike orientation with 2 new members at Punggol Waterways. Lots of cigarette buds, beer cans, and food leftovers discarded at wall fountain shelter (see photos). The dirty bike near lamppost E16-B/W-52, which was reported last week, has not been discarded (see photo). Members also found lots of beer cans and leftover food packs near lamppost E11-1/T103 and at the bottom of the pavilion opposite boardwalk (see photos). They also engaged 2 teenage fishermen who caught a big fish opposite the Heritage Trail. Members informed them no fishing along Waterways, they complied and released the fish (see photo). They also spotted two members of the public feeding turtles (see photo). In total, they picked up 11 kg and 4 used masks (see photos).
On Sunday morning, 15 members turned up for duty at Marina. They went for two boat patrols with 1 new member under boat orientation and two bike patrols with 2 new members under bike orientation. Another 2 members did gardening (see photos). Bike patrol group 1 picked up litters along the footpath in Bay Central, mostly plastic bottles and cans(see photos). Perhaps due to heavy rain in the past few days, the drainage outlet next to the duck tour launching jetty was covered by floating rubbish and the surrounding shore was also full of rubbish (see photos). There was also lots of litter washed to the shore under Benjamins Bridge near Flyer and Queen Elizabeth Walk pier(see photos). Cigarette packs, empty cans, and bottles were found on a bench near Parliament House (see photo). Broken glass bottles were found at North Boat Quay pier (see photos). Both cleared by patrol members. They engaged two boys who caught a big fish in front of the Esplanade Outdoor Theatre, they released the fish and left. One police officer walked in a few minutes later to look for the two boys, as members of the public called police. Bike patrol group 1, picked up 8.5 kg of litter in total. Bike patrol group 2 took the opposite direction of group 1 and headed to Sports Hub. They spotted fishing nets at the Fishing zone near the Sir Arthur Bridge and many litters in the nearby area (see photos). Continuing with patrol, lots of litter found alongside the road outside Kallang Sea Training Center (see photos). The patrol ended early as the weather turned bad. They picked up 5kg of litter and 4 masks.
As for boat patrol, group 1 went up Singapore River and picked up litter along the way. At SR R19, they spotted one man and a child sitting on the steps close to water. Members advised them not to do so for safety reasons, they complied and moved off (see photo). They picked up many plastic and liquor bottles weighing about 10 kgs and 6 tennis balls (see photos). Another boat drove to Kallang and Geylang river and picked up 8kg of litters. In total, Sunday patrol groups at Marina Reservoir collected 13.5kg of litter on land and 18kg from water, plus 4 masks.
On Sunday afternoon, 5 members did one bike patrol and one boat patrol at Jurong Lakeside Garden, plus 2 new members doing boat orientation. Jurong Lake was generally clean, boat patrol only picked up 1 kg of litter along the whole route, while the bike patrol group picked up 4 kg of plastic bottles and cans, and also 2 masks (see photos). But they spotted 13pax of people fishing outside the fishing zone or rocky slope.