Dear Friends,
Last week, due to the current spike of community cases and the Phase 2 Heightened Alert, Waterways Watch Society communicated with all corporates and schools to postpone all programmes from last week to 13th June. Weekend members’ patrol activities will also be cancelled between 16th May to 13th June.
On Wednesday, 4 members did housekeeping and maintenance at Punggol pontoon. They replaced some damaged pontoon cubics. No weekday patrol was done at Punggol last week.
On Friday morning, 2 members did a patrol at Jurong Lakeside Garden on foot. They walked along the water edge from the boardwalk to the Passion Wave Plaze and picked up about 1kg of plastic. One member came down to do some housekeeping on Thursday (Hari Raya).
On Saturday morning, there originally were 10 members signed up for bike and boat patrol at Kallang. Unfortunately, it was cancelled due to the heavy rain in the morning. In the afternoon, 4 members did a boat patrol at Punggol Waterways (see photos). The water level in the waterways was high and they picked up about 5.5kg of litter, mainly plastics and cans.
On Sunday, four Garden crew came down and did gardening- 2 assigned to each garden. 2 others came down for Admin to prepare for phase #2 semi- lock down SOP.
At Lakeside, two members did some housekeeping on the pontoon and another 2 did a kayak video shoot (approved) for a member of the public. All was done with proper SOP n social distancing.